ISSN: 3048-5223
In the field of pavement engineering, the introduction of artificial intelligence (AI) has replaced manual inspection as the main technology for highway disease detection and preventive maintenance in China. While AI has made significant progress, there are still challenges and limitations at this stage in terms of technical issues, such as pavement condition data collection and processing, as well as ethical issues. Meanwhile, AI technology is still developing and may be applied to more aspects of the pavement engineering field in the future, and these applications will provide more efficient and intelligent management methods for the pavement engineering field. The application of artificial intelligence (AI) in the field of pavement engineering has achieved some remarkable results with the continuous development of science and technology, and technical development has a wide range of prospects and potential. At the same time, we also need to note the related challenges, which require further technical development and practical verification.
Received 23 October 2023;Revised 7 December 2023;Accepted 15 December 2023